Advanced Fotofacial treatment results of neck and chest after five treatments
"Well, the last time I had a picture taken I could hardly see my eyes because of the weight of heavy eyelid. Then I paid attention to how I was actually using my eyes and I really noticed when I was looking at anything especially the computer I was straining my forehead to see better. Since I have had it done I no longer have to lift the forehead and tilt my head to see. It is amazing! I love..." D. Rock 63 Yrs Old with Fat Droopy Eyes - Salt Lake City, UT
What is Advanced IPL photorejuvenation used for?
There are many words and phrases used for laser treatments of the skin: intense pulse light (IPL), Photorejuvenation, Fotofacial, Light laser, etc. Not all such treatments are created equal.
Using multiple different wavelengths of laser light, advanced photorejuvenation lasers are used for:
Lightening and removing “sun spots”, “age spots”, and brown blotches on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas of the body
Lightening and reducing redness, rosacea, dilated blood vessels and “broken” blood vessels on the face, neck and chest
Helping to control flushing
Improvement of skin texture and pore size
Improvement in the oiliness of the skin
Improvement in the inflammatory phase of acne rosacea
What is the best way to get excellent results with advanced IPL photorejuvenation ?
After a proper examination and documentation of the changes which will need treatment, accurate clinical photographs are taken prior to treatments.
A treatment is administered once every three to four weeks: most patients will need five treatments.
Multiple wavelengths and lasers are used to give you the best possible results.
After the series of treatments, further clinical photographs are taken so we can document the changes and also keep a record for your benefit.
How does advanced IPL Photorejuvenation improve the appearance of blood vessels, rosacea, and age spots and freckles?
Different laser devices emit different wavelengths of light. By changing the power, wavelength and duration according to the type of skin you have and the changes present, the different wavelengths of laser are tuned to treat specific targets:
hemoglobin (the red blood cells in the blood vessels) is targeted by specific wavelengths. The vessels are damage from the inside of the vessel walls and the red spots and vessels gradually reduce in size over a few weeks. Because the body has a tendency to not completely close these abnormal vessels and also because there are other deeper and more superficial vessels which will also need treatment, the treatments are administered every few weeks.
melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by the melanin which gets fragmented: the body sends cells to absorb the pigment particles, reducing the brown and dark spots. Again, so as to not leave you with white spots (which is what often happens when liquid nitrogen is used to treat brown spots), the treatment power, wavelength and duration are carefully chosen to safely treat the different skin changes.
"I had a excellent eye lift done by Dr. Patel. He knows what he is doing and is very pleasant. Dr.Patel was easy to get an appointment and he works with you. The office staff was very pleasant and made you feel calm." D. Gull Highly recommended for eye lift surgery - Salt Lake City, UT
How long does it take for the advanced IPL Photorejuvenation treatments to work?
The first treatment often gives you dramatic improvement: the brown spots will get darker (often termed coffee ground spots) over the first few days and peel off. Subsequently, the effect on the skin will be different from one treatment to the next. Patients sometimes expect the same effect after each treatment: because the wavelengths and duration are varied to get different depths of treatment, the skin effects you see will vary. However, you will continue to see an improvement with each treatment. On rare occasions, patients with severe sun-related changes may need more than five treatments. When we show patients their before-and-after photographs, they are usually surprised at the extent to which the skin changes are cleaned up.
Do advanced IPL Photorejuvenation treatments hurt and how long will the treatment take?
We will prescribe EMLA anesthetic cream, which is best applied to your face before you leave home as the cream takes about 30 – 45 minutes to take effect.
Most patients tolerate the treatment extremely well. However, because each of us has different pain thresholds, we also use a Zimmer cooler which cools the skin down and makes the discomfort even less. Everyone loves the Zimmer!
The laser treatments take between 20 and 30 minutes per treatment.
The first treatment is the most sensitive because the pigment is the darkest and the blood vessels are the most prominent.
What are the advanced IPL Photorejuvenation treatments like?
Although your eyes will be covered with protective goggles, you will be aware of the bright light that lasers emanate. You will keep your eyelids closed under the protective laser goggles. Being aware of a bright light is perfectly normal and safe.
A cool gel is applied to the skin and further cooling is obtained with the Zimmer cooler before the laser treatments are administered.
The smooth glass surface of the hand-piece is gently applied to your skin and pulses of the laser flash. You may feel a very slight sting, like the snapping of a small rubber band.
At the end of the treatment, the the gel is wiped off and a moisturizer is applied to the skin. We may continue to cool the skin for a few minutes after the laser treatment after your first treatment to reduce the slight swelling some patients get. You can also use ice if you wish.
Most patients can apply makeup, foundation or concealer immediately after the treatment. Most of our patients are able to return to normal activities immediately after the treatment. No oral pain medication is needed.
After treatment care involved the application of a moisturizer three to four times a day for the first week and twice a day there after until your next treatment.
What will I look like after the advanced IPL Photorejuvenation treatments?
For veins, generally, the skin looks slightly redder after the treatment for two to five days. Makeup can be used starting right after the treatment, as long as it is applied and removed very gently. Rarely, there is bruising, which can take 1-2 weeks to resolve.
For freckles and age spots, the spots generally look darker for 3-7 days. Crusting can occur, which may last up to ten days. The lesions will then begin to clear and are usually peeled off by two to three weeks. Remember, it takes an average of 3-5 treatments to clear age spots.
What areas can be treated with the advanced
IPL Photorejuvenation treatments?
Advanced Fotofacial treatment results of the hands after five treatments making the hands look more youthful with thicker collagen and reduction of the pigment and red spots.
Neck and Chest
Arms and Hands
Backs and Chest
Different lasers are used for spots, brown marks, pigmentation and vessels to "clean up" the arms and hand
Individual spots can be reduced to the point of almost invisibility without giving you the white spots people get with liquid nitrogen
What is the difference between the different light and laser treatments I see advertised?
Advanced Fotofacial treatment and chemical peels may be used concurrently to improve facial pigmentation, especially in Eastern faces as shown here.
Most places will use one machine and hand-piece. Also, unless a physician is treating you, the machine power will have a more limited ability as there is a risk of burns and injury in the wrong hands. We don’t use one laser and one hand-piece. We have four different lasers
we use on all our patients and a total of 8 hand-pieces. This allows us to play an orchestra rather than a flute: different lasers and hand-pieces allow us to improve or eradicate even the most stubborn of vessels and spots: just look at our before-and-after photographs.
Who will perform my treatments?
Advanced Fotofacial treatment results of the forehead after five treatments
Because of the need for accuracy and the range of powers used, in our office only Dr. Patel will be treating you with the lasers. This way you can be assured of the best results with the safest delivery and the most appropriate use of wavelengths and machines.
How long will the results from the advanced
IPL Photorejuvenation treatments last?
Advanced Fotofacial treatment results of the lower face after five treatments.
Many of the changes we treat are caused by simple aging, genetics, injuries, but mostly sun damage together with dryness and wind damage. As we all have to continue to enjoy life, there will inevitably, be some damage to your skin from the sun, wind and dryness. We will advise you what to use in the long-term, but will mainly consist of regular use of a sunscreen and a good moisterizer. We have patients several years out from their course of treatments and their skin looks better than it did several years before. We will generally perform a maintenance treatment every nine to twelve months to clean up any new changes that may develop.
What moisturizer should I use?
Advanced Fotofacial treatment results of the mid and lower face five treatments
There is no need to get any particular moisturizer: most of our patients are happy with the usual over-the-counter moisturizers (Eucerin, Aquaphor or Lubriderm). Some patients seem to like the feel of Cera-Vu moisturizer, which is also available at most stores. If you are using creams with retin-A or exfoliants (glycolic acids, etc), then you would start using them again one week after your treatment.
How does advanced IPL Photorejuvenation increase collagen?
The light bypasses the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and gently heats the cells in the deeper layer of skin (dermis). These cells, called fibroblasts, start to produce more collagen, which improves texture and fine wrinkles. As the different wavelengths affect brown and red areas differentially, there is collateral heating of the dermis, which induces collagen. You will see a firming and tightening of the skin on the photographs of many of our patients. Pores also look better!
Will advanced IPL Photorejuvenation make me
more sensitive to the sun?
No, it does not. You can have the treatments done any time of the year. If you are having treatment of your arms or legs, it is important not to be tanned.
You can protect your skin with sunscreens, wear a hat and avoid the harsh midday direct sun if possible. Damage to the skin is caused by a combination of sun, heat and wind. After our treatments, we find that most patients will be diligent with undertaking simple protective measures, which cuts down on the risk of future skin cancers.
What should I do prior to my advanced
IPL Photorejuvenation treatments?
Advanced Fotofacial treatment results for the improvement of acne. An improvement in the red areas and the number of inflamed glands is seen.
Advanced Fotofacial treatment results for the improvement of acne. An improvement in the red areas and the number of inflamed glands is seen.
For 2-4 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanners and excessive sun.
You may be asked to discontinue minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days prior to each treatment. We will discuss that with you.
Protect your improved skin with sunscreen every morning. Hats and sunglasses are also good protection from the sun.
Are there any side effects?
The main side effects are mild, temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister).